Migration to AWS unlocks breakthrough scalability, agility and continuity

  • AWS
  • AWS Partner
  • Top Cloud Consulting

More and more businesses are moving their on-premises workloads to the cloud. The goal is to replace their expensive, inflexible and monolithic environments with a pay-as-you-go option. It helps them to leverage the cloud’s scalability, performance and cost advantages.

Our AWS certified solutions architects do the following in end-to-end AWS migration services:

  • Make the right mix of AWS migration tools that best meet your needs
  • Precise planning of no-brainer migration to AWS, including connectors installation in data centers
  • Deployment of apps/databases from on-premises/other clouds to AWS and start operating

Our AWS cloud migration services

Infrastructure migration to AWS

Transfer your on-premises workloads or applications to AWS. This results in exceptional performance, operational agility, scalability and service excellence. Softweb Solutions’ end-to-end AWS infrastructure migration services include our extensive knowledge of AWS’:

  • Compute, storage and server assets on the back-end
  • Platforms, OS and architectures of the middleware
  • Front-end applications and enterprise software
Infrastructure migration to AWS
Application migration to AWS

Application migration to AWS

AWS application migration and modernization enable full utilization of AWS cloud’s benefits. Softweb Solutions’ end-to-end AWS application migration services cover:

  • Rehosting applications to AWS
  • Replacing flexible functionalities
  • Unaltered replatforming of underlying code structure, functionalities, features
  • Rebuilding broken applications/software segments

Data center migration to AWS

Data centers consist of databases, applications and servers. We assess data center assets and securely migrate all mission-critical workloads, applications and databases to AWS with existing platforms. Our AWS certified database specialists and AWS certified cloud practitioners oversee your data storage, data flow, workflows and business operations at an uninterrupted business continuity.

Data center migration to AWS
AWS cloud monitoring and reporting

AWS cloud monitoring and reporting

IT monitoring is a time-consuming but necessary task that strains internal resources. Automate this critical functionality by moving to the AWS cloud. Utilize AWS server migration services for your assets, networks, integrated platforms, virtual systems, databases, workloads and applications. With our AWS cloud monitoring and reporting services, get centralized visibility into your AWS cloud architecture, instances, infrastructure logs and automated alert mechanisms such as threat notifications, analytical reports, etc. Gain unique decision-making insights by monitoring the health and performance of your cloud applications.

GCP to AWS migration

Experience a paradigm shift in your digital journey with our comprehensive GCP to AWS migration services. Seamlessly transition from GCP to AWS under the expert guidance of our professionals. Elevate your business to new heights as we navigate the intricate process, ensuring a smooth and efficient migration tailored to your unique needs.

Our GCP to AWS migration services include everything necessary to make the move to AWS successful, right from evaluating your cloud readiness, to building a cloud migration plan and optimizing your post-migration. We have a team of AWS-certified specialists that help you migrate from GCP to AWS effortlessly.

GCP to AWS migration

Softweb Solutions’ approach to AWS cloud migration services



  • Business assessment
  • Translate business goals into KPIs
  • Audit the readiness
  • Decide cloud adoption parameters


  • Requirement analysis
  • Assess migration readiness
  • Develop strategies
  • Define stakeholder roles


  • Design dependency mapping
  • Draft migration roadmap
  • Create CI/CD pipeline
  • Build workloads architecture


  • Rehost, refactor, or rebuild
  • Optimize migration
  • Follow best security practices
  • Infrastructure abstraction


  • Risk mapping
  • Performance optimization
  • Maintain policy regulations
  • Govern cloud security compliance

Migrate seamlessly to the cloud with our AWS cloud migration services

Transform your business with our AWS certified powerhouse

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AWS certified
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AWS certified solutions architect
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AWS certified cloud practitioner
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AWS certified ML

Why choose us

From rehosting (lift and shift), replatforming (lift, tinker and shift), to complete refactoring solutions – our team’s cloud migration skills can move workloads from single-tenant, on-premises to multi-tenant, public cloud. We apply powerful automation techniques and containerization strategies to complete AWS cloud migrations faster with lower risk.

  • We have the expertise with hundreds of AWS cloud-native tools and applications for AWS cloud migration services
  • With our AWS cloud migration services, experience difference in agility, time-to-market and productivity of your existing IT landscape
  • We implement the best governance and compliance guardrails you require with built-in AWS security tools and features
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Products and solutions
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Why should I consider application migration to AWS?

Application migration to AWS can offer your business a range of benefits, including scalability, cost savings, and enhanced security. The infrastructure of AWS is highly scalable, allowing companies to quickly and easily adjust their resources to respond to changing demands. AWS also offers a range of services and tools to help optimize operations and reduce costs, such as automated scaling, monitoring and management tools. Additionally, AWS’ security infrastructure is effective, with features such as identity and access management, network security, and data encryption that enhance applications’ security capabilities.

Migrating applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS) can give your business a competitive advantage. AWS offers various services and tools, such as machine learning, analytics, and database services, that can help businesses to gain deeper insights, make more informed decisions and develop new products and services.

How long does it take to complete an AWS cloud migration?

The time it takes to migrate to AWS is determined by the complexity and size of your existing IT infrastructure. Our experienced AWS consultants can assess your business requirements and provide you with an estimated timeframe for the migration process. During the migration process, we also assist in minimizing downtime and disruptions to your business operations.

How can I track the performance of my AWS infrastructure?

We provide a variety of AWS performance optimization services, such as monitoring, testing and analysis. We can assist you in identifying bottlenecks in performance, optimizing your applications and implementing solutions that improve the performance and reliability of your AWS infrastructure.

How do you ensure the security of my data in the cloud?

We take security very seriously, which is why our AWS cloud consulting services include security assessments, compliance audits and security architecture design. We can assist you in identifying and mitigating security risks, implementing appropriate security solutions and ensuring that your data is secure in the cloud.

Opt for efficiencies that help to grow your businesses faster

Advance, automate and optimize your business operations with Softweb Solutions’ AWS cloud migration services